

Seminar "Leading the Future of Tertiary Learning and Teaching, A Transformational Roadmap for Online Teaching"

 Registration Closed
Date: 2020-07-10 15:00 - 17:00

Venue: Online - Zoom


At the end of the this seminar the participants should be able to:

  1. Understand the dynamics of modern Online L & T approaches.
  2. Appreciate what they would have to focus at, in future, for online L & T.
  3. Analyse and evaluate gaps and deficiencies in their existing online teaching capabilities and the environment that supports them for online teaching.
  4. Create a learning pathway for them to become to online academicians.


Who Should Attend:

Lecturers, Assistant Professors and  Associate Professors.


Trainer: Dr. Ali Ahsan (Professor, Torrens University Australia)

Dr. Ali Ahsan specialize in fields of Business and Technology and has extensive managerial, technical and academic experience. Over the years; he had the opportunity of enjoying core strategic positions within industry and academia. He is a consultant and trainer for many well reputed multinational organizations and has completed major industrial and research projects. He has supervised several postgraduate students, has several publications and has launched several degree programs within and outside Pakistan in various universities. Dr. Ahsan has contributed a great deal to academic-industrial linkages and has launched business incubation centres expanding several university’s strategic portfolio. Among few Pakistanis, Dr. Ali Ahsan is one of the academicians who has taught in South Asia, Far East, Middle East, China, Australia, North America and Africa. At the moment, Dr. Ahsan is serving at Torrens University Australia. He is also member of board of directors of WISSEN Group. He can be contacted via his linkedin profile i.e. linkedin.com/in/draliahsan



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NBEAC has three main functions: accreditation, training and networking. In its accreditation function, it develops and implements standards to improve the quality of business education in Pakistan. In its training function, it provides opportunities to faculty and managers to learn about quality standards and related matters. In its networking function, it provides a forum for business education professionals to learn from each other through conferences and seminars.