- Conference Details
- Brochure
- Topics & Sessions
- Speakers
- Conference Reports
- Conference Proceedings
- Sponsorship
The Conference “Building Bridges, Fostering Collaborations in Business Education” aims to be a venue for experience sharing, based on the discussions and perspectives of heads of business schools and industry professionals. The strategic level conference will provide a platform for heads of business schools and industry executives to share their experiences in establishing linkages and contributing to the development of business education, industry and economy. Prominent speakers from around the globe and country will shares ideas worth emulating. Entrepreneurs, industry leaders and academic heads will be invited to share their inspiring stories of fruitful collaborations. The conference will address the challenges faced by business education in establishing and promoting linkages with other universities, local and national businesses, family and public corporate, SMEs and startups at the national and international level. The conference will highlight how the dean, faculty, staff, and other business stakeholders enable the achievement of your school's mission and strategic goals. This conference will be an opportunity to get off campus and reflect on the key purpose of your strategic position.
Aims & Objectives
The conference objectives are:
To promote national academia and corporate linkages
To incorporate international academia linkages
To revamp business programs in collaboration with industry to have relevance.
To develop concrete strategic plans for business schools with industry engagement
To develop an entrepreneurial mind-set in students
To promote research collaborations and commercialization
To promote CSR initiatives
This would be the second of the series of four strategic level conferences. The event will be exclusively for Deans, Directors, HoDs , faculty members and other stakeholders linked with higher education business units.
Deans, Directors ,HoDs and faculty members would attend as they are responsible for strategic decision making and to synchronize the internal business school operations.
It would be attended by Industry Experts & Entrepreneurs as close interaction between industry and academics is essential to face the emerging challenges.
International participation should be encouraged.
To identify the critical steps to align education with business needs
To identify and recommend actions to the emerging challenges in business education
Venue and Date
The proposed conference will be held at the Marriott Hotel, Karachi, Pakistan on 10-11 Feb 2015.
Information The registration fee is PKR, 5,000 per person from Business School.
The registration fee will cover:
Participation in Welcome Dinner on 9th Feb 2015 at IBA Main Campus, University Road, Karachi – 75270, Pakistan
Participation in Association of Management and Development in Pakistan (AMDIP) session on 9th Feb 2015 at IBA Main Campus
Participation in Inaugural Ceremony at IBA City Campus Plot # 68 & 88 Garden / Kayani Shaheed Road
Conference kit (Bag, Proceedings & stationary)
Lunches & Dinners
All hi-tea sessions during the conference.
The registration fee will not cover Accommodation.
Registration / Facilitation Desk
Registration desk will be setup in hotel lobby on 10th Feb 2015 from 07:00 am. You will collect your conference kit and details about your rooms from there. Facilitation desk will be working on both days from 7:00 am to 5:00 pm in hotel lobby at the same place.
Accommodation facility is provided at IoBM, Karachi, IBA Karachi Hostel, University of Karachi (HEJ) and Marriott Karachi. Please contact the focal persons for reservations.